Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thoughts from the tenor...

Hello to the cyber followers! My name is Wes and I am the tenor of  Full Tilt. I was born into barbershop and have always dreamed of singing in a quartet. As with the rest of our group I am also a member of the River City Chorus. In the very first few practices the idea of blogging our experiences starting our quartet. Starting out a couple months ago, the first few practices we had were really rough but we found many things that were promising. Focusing on our good qualities we started pushing forward and have made lots of vocal progress. we are slowly building our reptoire and working our unity of sound and balance. We are all looking forward to our first gig in Allison, Iowa on the 20th of august! We will be doing four songs so our practices until then will be focusing on these songs and polishing them up for our premiere!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How We Began

In April of 2011, I approached some of my fellow River City Chorus members to find out the interst level in beginning a new Barbershop Quartet. By late May of 2011, Ben Bergman, Wes Tremmel, Kevin Currier, and I decided to have a couple rehearsals just to see what we sounded like (similar color, blend, inonation, etc.). By mid-June of 2011, we decided that it would be a fun and productive journey to begin a quartet, for all of them, their first quartet. A month later, after 4 more rehearsals, we began to solidify list of repetoire that we were going to focus on, and we FINALLY had a name, Full Tilt Quartet! In following blogs by all of us, we will post our thoughts about quarteting and our progression, as well as post rehearsal recordings from time to time so others may hear the progression as well. This is very exciting for us, so please enjoy!

Jamie Kelley, Full Tilt Quartet-Lead

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Blog!

Hello everyone,
This is a blog intended to keep record of our rehearsals, performances, and general thoughts about the quartet that we would like to document, or share with others. Enjoy!

Kevin :)